Sunday, December 25, 2011

Confession Time:

I LOVE Billie Piper. You see, I can admire sophisticated, elegant, never-a-hair-out-of-place celebrities but they are so far removed from how I am that I don't really care about them at all. Billie on the other hand...

Doesn't pretend that life is impossibly easy and endlessly glamorous.

Hauls out the Pollyanna look every now and then. And isn't trapped by a single style.

Doesn't feel the need to parade around in ballgowns all the time.

Isn't afraid to get dirty...
...or cross the line.
Stars as Rose in Dr. Who. Enough said.

Has fabulousness that is up there with the rest of them when it needs to be.

Survived childhood stardom and teen marriage much more elegantly than many of her peers.

Is pretty darn hot...

And rocks the trampy Brit look with aplomb (one of my personal fave looks)

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